Posts in Life
210: Ready to Move to Another Country? ft: Amber C. Edwards

If you’re exploring the idea of moving to a different country, for a month or forever, this episode is for you. Join us this week as we interview entrepreneur and relocation specialist Amber C. Edwards about long-term Blaxit and short-term relocating abroad.

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202: Why Embarrassing Yourself is a Good Thing

Is embarrassment something we should run from or lean into? This week, we explore why embarrassment can actually be a good tool for growth and alignment and discuss practical ways to improve our relationships with embarrassment.

This week’s shoutout is Carlie’s company Heauxlistic! She is expanding her product line with some new self-care experience boxes. Sign-up for her newsletter and re-up on your Heaux Butter here!

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200: Say This, Not That

The words we use carry weight. Everything we say helps shape our perspective of the world around us. What kind of world are you creating with your words? Are you helping or hurting yourself? Are you communicating with confidence or deflating energy in the room? This week, we explore how to improve our language and give examples of what to say and how to improve in life, relationships, and work situations.

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199: Watch the Tape: Being a Student of Yourself

Athletes are often lauded for their work ethic and how they approach the game. Are these skills transferable to life? What could happen if we started watching “game tape” of our lives and applied some of these same principles? This week, we explore how to be a student of yourself and level up in life through the lens and framework used to approach sports.

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